
Fee Structure

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Fee Structure

S.No. Course Duration(Years) Fee per Semester(As per University)
1 B.Pharmacy 4 Years 43,850/-
1 B.Pharmacy(LEET) 3 Years 43,850/-
3 M.Pharmacy(Pharmaceutics) 2 Years 59,325/-
2 D.Pharmacy 2 Years -


Sr. No. Category Concession FEE
( B-Pharmacy)
1. Meritorious Students (>75-90% marks) 25% of tuition fee 36,350/- 48,700/-
2. Meritorious Students (>90% marks) 50% of tuition fee 28,850/- 38,075/-
3. All Girls students 25% of tuition fee 36,350/- 48,700/-
4. Students from the same trust Institutions 25% of tuition fee 36,350/- 48,700/-


  • Fee Criteria's for Provisional Admission (Others)
  • Registeration Fee:-10,000 (Adjustable in 1st Sem. Fee) +(University Charges)